A Message for my 6 week old Grandson

Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....
Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....

Eeeeee lad, times were different before you were born. You probably won’t believe this but way back before you were born we used to leave our houses, we used to go to big open spaces called “parks” you can still see these although they are closed up now lad. We also went to pubs, restaurants and cinemas on special occasions. The “cinemas” were like the television in mummy and daddy’s front room but much bigger and much louder. I’d love to take you to see the latest Disney movie but they are all locked up now lad. 

People used to eat out in “restaurants” too, it were like your mummy’s cooking, only much better, but don’t tell her I said that. 

And pubs, oh boy, they were fun. Your daddy and me used to go to “pubs” and drink a lot and then get into trouble, you’d be a bit young to go into pubs just now but hopefully they’ll be open again before your 18th birthday.  I look forward to me and your daddy showing you how to drink too much alcohol and get into trouble with your mummy. It’s really good fun and she always forgives you after a day or two so don’t you worry about that. 

And football, we used to have a game called “football” which was very good.  Eleven men (or women, although they weren’t very good) used to kick a ball around on a “pitch” and try to score a goal in a stadium that held up to 100,000 people all sat next next to one another, I know that’s hard to believe lad but it were true. The winner was the team that scored the most “goals”

Back in the day before you were born West Ham were the best football team in the whole world, they beat everybody and won lots of trophies and everybody wanted to support them. I know at 6 weeks old you are probably not sure which football team you want to support but trust your granddaddy West Ham are the best team to support. Your daddy doesn’t always know best so don’t let him persuade you to support Arsenal, ok lad?

Aye, things were certainly different before you were born lad, i remember it clearly I tell thee. 


6 responses

  1. All you are missing with that accent is a Scouser tache and a dodgy sense of fashion…oh wait a minute, you already have the latter 😉

    1. That depends Gus on whether you think 18” flares and polyester shirts unbuttoned to the waist are dodgy! Personally I think it’s the height of fashion. Yeah baby!!

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