There was a time long long ago, well to be precise (13 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes 33 odd seconds) when my days consisted of planning adventures abroad, what to pack, what to buy in case of emergencies! How to booby trap my house against thieves breaking in! Having a man capable of pushing out my bins once a week!
Since Lockdown has started – crime is down to an all time low! The Police are claiming it a rip roaring success! The Tories are already planning their next manifesto slogan “The Party of Law & Order”!
Well I don’t know if anyone has bloody noticed, but the reason no one is going out house breaking is because we are all bloody well indoors! And the scroats are instead Claiming self employment money on Southend Beach! Even they are too fed up to go back to work as Burglars! It’s been damned hard just lately for the shoplifters and burglars?
The only time I leave the house right now is once a fortnight to put out the bins! How I yearn for those good old days to come back!

4 responses
I’ll empty your bins for you TT 🙂
They certainly have classy refuse collectors in Purley don’t they? 🙂
Yeah its called Do it yourself service!
I reckon your council tax is an absolute fortune if that’s your refuse collector.