I so totally agree with Deak’s view on Football. Surprisingly as an avid Spurs fan I’ve not missed it one bit! I’ve been disgusted by the Premiership/FA etc behaviour during this Pandemic.
Whilst over 20,000 have died including many members of the emergency services/medical and nursing staff not to mention Care home staff on minimum wage those overpaid players are moaning about wage reduction UEFA positions etc. Really!
Opening up the game When? For what purpose? we still have to weather one, two or three spikes in Covid 19 and mass immunisation is a long way off!

There’s no doubt that the Liverpool/Athletico Madrid game was responsible for a huge spike in COVID19 infections and death in the North East (as was the Cheltenham Festival in the Cheltenham/Gloucester Area).


One Response

  1. So the Government has reached 100,000 tests per day by a combination of drive thru’, postal services, the army etc! (are we becoming more like China every day?). Assuming we do 3,000,000 tests per month its still going take 20 months the to test the whole population of the UK! Thats assuming we don’t have to repeatedly retest all those in the emergency services, frontline medical and care home staff, just a note there are 1.4 million people working in the NHS, (that’s 14 days worth of testing that needs to be repeatedly rechecked ?weekly/monthly). Despite this the Premiership wants to retest their staff twice a week – assuming that each club has 500 members to test for the Premiership that’s a minimum of 80,000 tests a month, if you now include the Championship that’s an extra 96,000 a month, so for us punters at home it’ll take up to 42 months to check the entire UK population – what planet are the FA/UEFA on – they need to listen to the FIFA medic who says that the return to football 2020/2021 is unlikely. Testing and tracing is going to be the only way to control this as mass vaccination is a long way off.
    Stay Safe

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