This is indeed great news folks and I wanted to share this with you here. This is a photo I took at my local store this morning. As you can see stocks of bread are plentiful. White bread, brown bread, wholemeal bread, bread rolls, bagels, baguettes and my personal favourite crumpet and baps. Lovely jubbly.

9 responses
Dear Deaks
I’ve felt compelled to study your photo very very closely indeed. There are a couple of prominent points I’d like to explore:
1. Stocks of bread and bakery products in general have not been scarce now for some time (although admittedly I’ve personally had some longstanding issues in acquiring crumpets) so what is your assertion here?
2. On forensic examination it appears that the products are priced in $ not GBP. I put it to you that this was not taken in your local store at all and what’s shown is foreign crumpets, bread, baps and buns.
Come clean!
Has this Overseas importing taught you nothing! You should be giving generously to your home town baps and crumpet Deaks!!!
Jeez, you really did study that closely didn’t you Phil? I might also add I posted it at 4.52am and anyone awake at that time would know that my local supermarket does not open until 7am.
Tracie, you’ve just gazzumped my crumpet with your subsequent article but that’s ok no one is complaining! x
Phil, you need a comma after your first ‘very’ (Jesus bloke, correcting you is now becoming a habit)…and Tracie, why the capital ‘O’ in overseas???
Go and stand in the corner of the classroom the pair of you.
So bad that you needed to post it twice?
Was one a telling off for Phil and the other for me?
He will be caning us next Phil!
Phil Claydon better consider ourselves well and truly reprimanded!
That’s a proper public rebuke for you 2 and richly deserved it was too.
School Swot
You’re only glad it’s us and not you getting a pasting!
Yeah TT, makes a change doesn’t it 🙂 x
Oh look Shaun has deleted his schoolboy error in duplicate posting in which he rebuked Phil for his school boy spelling error twice! You couldn’t make it up!
Tracie now looks like she is talking nonesense (more so than usual)