Lockdown Restrictions Relaxed at Chez Deaks

Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....
Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....

So, it was inevitable wasn’t it? We are released from the draconian lockdown rules just a little bit and told that we can socialise with 6 others, or is it 5 others and you? I don’t know, who’s counting anyway? And do 2 small children count as one based upon the Dominic Cummings rule of #dowhatyoubloodywelllike

When numbers are restricted you have to compromise and so the music at Chez Deaks was provided by the excellent Stella Opera Band. 

Sadly fighting broke out in the early hours of the morning when the Peroni Boys and the Coors Massive gatecrashed the party resulting in several fatalities. 

No cans were harmed in the making of this video and all cans were recycled in accordance with https://www.chelmsford.gov.uk/your-council/contacting-us/contacting-us-online/bins-and-recycling/

I probably should also add that the little get together was wholly Boris compliant with only 6 people in attendance in the grounds of Chez Deaks and social distancing was observed at all times. I would hate anyone to think otherwise!


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