Who kept their letter from Boris? I chucked mine straight in the bin and now I wished I had kept it! Apparently original copies (er aren’t they all copies?) are being offered for sale on eBay for £1,000 each! The highest one actually sold went for £88 and several have sold for more that £50. The world has officially gone bonkers!
However, if you can’t beat them, join them, I am prepared to offer the above photograph of the prime minister’s letter for a once only, not to be beaten, price of £19.95. This limited edition online photograph can be yours for just £19.95. Please send your cheque to Deaks Independent Trading Co, care of Edge Towers, and this letter will be despatched to you by email within 28 days.
You’re welcome.
7 responses
Still got mine in the pile of papers on my desk. I’ll donate it to the Edge Archives!!!
Shaun has just ordered 20 copies of my email version at £19.95 each. There’s one born every minute MSS lol
You need to stop lying in the name of so-called banter, Deaks, as it’s not a pretty trait.
Dear Readers
Just for avoidance of doubt Shaun has NOT, I repeat NOT bought 20 emails containing the above letter at a cost of £19.95 each because that would be really silly wouldn’t it and Shaun is NOT really silly.
Deaks Independent Trading Co (which also doesn’t really exist, that was a joke too) would like to apologise for any misunderstanding and wish to apologise unequivocally to anyone who believed this made up bit of banter to be true.
I tore mine up!
I lost my abbey national share certificate for £100 of shares too!
Deaks you should do an antiques roadshow forecast x
You’ve got it TT
You can be my Fiona Bruce and I’ll be your Hugh Scully xx
Thanks again, tell your friends about this quality site!