Prime Ministers Corvid-19 Letter

Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....
Picture of Deaks


Brand new, good for you, so put on your dancing shoe....

Who kept their letter from Boris? I chucked mine straight in the bin and now I wished I had kept it! Apparently original copies (er aren’t they all copies?) are being offered for sale on eBay for £1,000 each! The highest one actually sold went for £88 and several have sold for more that £50. The world has officially gone bonkers! 

However, if you can’t beat them, join them, I am prepared to offer the above photograph of the prime minister’s letter for a once only, not to be beaten, price of £19.95. This limited edition online photograph can be yours for just £19.95. Please send your cheque to Deaks Independent Trading Co, care of Edge Towers, and this letter will be despatched to you by email within 28 days. 

You’re welcome.


7 responses

  1. Dear Readers

    Just for avoidance of doubt Shaun has NOT, I repeat NOT bought 20 emails containing the above letter at a cost of £19.95 each because that would be really silly wouldn’t it and Shaun is NOT really silly.

    Deaks Independent Trading Co (which also doesn’t really exist, that was a joke too) would like to apologise for any misunderstanding and wish to apologise unequivocally to anyone who believed this made up bit of banter to be true.

    1. I tore mine up!

      I lost my abbey national share certificate for £100 of shares too!

      Deaks you should do an antiques roadshow forecast x

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