Ok, I have to confess I have been eating and drinking just a little bit too much junk food and my fellow columnists have been teasing me with their alcoholic posts. I have to say that I have found myself staring at the clock willing the hands to go faster so I can have a G & T at midday. Having a drink before Midday always seems like one step away from AA meetings!
One Minute Past 12 and it is the the normal things to do in Lockdown!
Anyway I started watching TikTok all these beautiful people doing the Abs Plank Challenge, 100 sets and to begin with I could just about manage 5 but I kept going for 4 weeks and today, I did it. Yea
TikTok is for the Young and Beautiful, and I feel anything but in Lockdown but us older girls can give it a whirl too. Which goes to prove you are never too old to go for it.
I celebrated with a Friday G & T and a Celebratory dance afterwards – it felt good to just do something worthwhile, positive and fun.
This week I have heard of 3 people dying of the COVID Virus one leaving 2 small children and I think to myself – its time to be grateful just to breathe!
We have to make a promise from now on in, to enjoy every day, do things we would never do before, get fit and healthy so if this virus comes our way we are ready for it, and most importantly be kind to each other!
So I got sponsored a few quid to do the TikTok Abs challenge and I am donating it to Rose Bushes planted in a Garden of Remembrance for those who were sadly taken too soon. They will never be forgotten.
I get that there are so many people feeling Isolated right now – totally alone and no one to talk to – (me too). 12 weeks in total isolation and I have not set foot outside the door. It does seem awful some days. So many people are starting to really feel the depression setting in. Challenging yourself, laughing at yourself, and helping others really makes you feel good – If I can do it so can you. Keep laughing, keep smiling and make every day count. Stay Safe and we’d love to hear some of your stories and videos right now at the Edge. Totally Tracie
One Response
As subscriptions to The Edge go through the roof and I stop following Joe Walsh….
Now do that bit when you push up and clap your hands. I’ll sponsor 10 of those lol
Nice one TT xx