I’ve always found working from home difficult, mainly because of the chaos of my two little ones. When We news of the pandemic spreading across the UK I quickly got myself out to Ikea and PC world and bought myself the equipment I would need to set up a proper working from home arrangement. I turned my eldest out of her room and set up a proper office space, it was the best thing I could have done and now I am starting to question whether I ever need to go back to the office. I am far more productive at home and my work output is probably 1.5 x what it is at work and I certainly don’t miss the commute. I do miss the social interaction of an office environment but this has been offset by being able to spend more time with my family. Who knows when all of this will end and if I will ever be required to go back to London, in the meantime I am more than happy to plod along at home.